Anagh Coar Primary School Teaching for Learning Policy

Article 13: Children have the right to find out things and share what they think with others.

Article 17: Children have the right to get information that is important to their well-being.

Article 28: Children have the right to a good quality education.

Article 29: Children’s education should develop their talents and abilities.

This whole school policy has been formalised in writing to reflect the current practise and ethos within the school which mitigates all areas of teaching and learning. The staff of Anagh Coar Primary School remain the chief architects of the positive ethos that continues to develop and that in turn provides the basis for a creative, energetic and value driven environment where successful teaching and learning will continue to flourish. This policy will continue to represent ‘work in progress’.

To recognise and celebrate developing good practice and procedure.
To review and revise aspects of continuing practice which do not accord with effective teaching and learning strategies.
To identify new practices which are purposeful and positive in the pursuit of school improvement.
To develop a Teaching and Learning policy which best reflects the needs of the school in the pursuit of raising standards.

To produce a comprehensive Teaching for Learning Policy which will be an affirmation of existing good practice and a challenge to extend good practice.
To ensure that the policy reflects the commitment of all staff through a process of discussion, agreement, review and revision.

How Children Learn
We believe that all children learn best when working in a secure inspirational environment, in which they experience a positive interactive approach to the curriculum. This environment and the teachers approach should facilitate child autonomy, with the children developing a responsibility for their own learning process.
We recognise that teachers need to be aware of how children learn and respond with a positive approach. We expect children to be actively involved in their own learning.

We believe that children learn best:
when they feel valued and secure in their environment regardless of their race, creed or gender when they know established classroom routines and expectations
from a wide range of first hand experiences
when they feel encouraged, praised, rewarded and have a high self esteem
when they have consistent, clear boundaries and high expectations through interaction on a variety of levels - peer, adult, teacher etc.
by example - whether pupil or teacher
through good pupil/teacher/parent relationships and communication
when they show the capability to apply reason and the ability to question.
when they are comfortable making mistakes and in fact turn them into learning opportunities
through interest and motivation
through practice, self assessment and self-evaluation
when developing a resilience and an ability to solve problems
when they can recall and apply prior learning
when given the opportunity to transfer skills and strategies across and beyond the curriculum
when curriculum provision is skills based, incorporating the preferred learning styles and developmental levels of individuals
when children play an active role in their own learning
when provided with purposeful homework that acknowledges that learning is a continuous process in and out of school.
from practical, lively, interactive or experimental activities and through the opportunity to take part in extra curricular activities

Teaching Styles
We aim to have the freedom to meet the requirements of Essentials for Learning (E4L), in terms of the 6Rs. This is to be done through planning, teaching and assessment, ensuring continuity and progression through thematic and discrete subject teaching.

At Anagh Coar Primary School teachers will ensure that:
Teaching interests, encourages and challenges pupils
Teachers use a variety of styles and strategies; time and resources to meet a range of preferred learning styles and thus enable all pupils to learn effectively.
Teachers use a wide range of questions, at different levels, to both probe and extend understanding and to develop pupil’s thought processes.
Teachers insist on high standards of behaviour.
Teachers make effective use of ESOs/SESOs and other support.
Teachers have a good knowledge of areas of learning, subjects and courses, being able to respond with justified confidence to pupil’s questions.
Planning identifies clear learning objectives, outcomes and suitable teaching strategies, which are matched to the pupils needs. These are shared with the pupils. (WALT and WILF up to Year 4. 5 and 6 will use LO and Success Criteria).
Teachers assess pupil’s work thoroughly and constructively; assessment is used to inform planning and set curricular targets for individual pupils and groups.

Through the above teaching styles, we will aim to develop within our pupils, the following qualities and skills.
6R Learning Disposition
Readiness Positive self-esteem.
Appropriate curriculum skills.
Good concentration and focus.
Relationships The ability to work as a team member.
Understanding and respect for others.
Acceptance of boundaries (see Teaching Environment).
Resourcefulness Recognition of how to get help.
The ability to use their initiative and develop self-motivation.
The capability to apply reason and to develop questioning of ideas.
Resilience The ability to solve problems through perseverance.
Acceptance of constructive criticism.
Adaptability and flexibility.
Remembering Confidence in their ability to transfer skills and strategies.
The ability to learn from experience.
The ability to recall.
Reflection An appreciation of their own learning process.
The capability to be able to monitor, revise and adapt.
A sense of pride.

Teaching Environment
We recognise that the teaching environment (classroom, support rooms, resource bays, hall, library, corridors and school grounds etc.) has an important part to play in children’s academic and social development and therefore aim to ensure that:

6R Learning Environment
Readiness it displays class standards and expectations which are consistent throughout the school.
displaying work to promote self esteem.
it displays daily activities to promote independence and flexibility.
Relationships to ensure role play areas supports the interaction between children and to encourage them to explore relationships, feelings and attitudes.
Resourcefulness it is stimulating and interactive to support children in solving problems and answering questions.
resources are well organised, maintained and accessible.
displays challenge children and promote further learning.
Resilience it celebrates the progress of children in relation to the individual child’s ability as well as displaying aspirational targets.
Remembering displays facilitate the use of skills and strategies for children to recall and use.
role play should be evident in all classroom and be age appropriate and relevant.
Reflection it celebrates achievement that reflect current work.
it has ownership for the children and creates a sense of pride in their environment.

Classrooms should have:
role play areas
learning standards and expectations displayed in every class
Pupil Voice box/area
Visual Timetables and daily routines displayed
Working Walls for Literacy, Maths and Themes

Philosophies within this policy relate to many other Anagh Coar Primary School policies, such as marking, assessment, behaviour etc. It reflects established and emerging practice which embodies the teaching and learning philosophies of the Isle of Man Department of Education and Children.

The adoption of this policy has been agreed by all staff and will be reviewed regularly as practise develops or new members of staff join the school.

Updated: September 2019 Next Review: September 2022

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