Anagh Coar Primary School is located in Anagh Coar, Douglas on Darragh Way.

There are regular buses to the area and bus stops located on Cushag Road and Anagh Coar Road.

The school site can be accessed on foot following pedestrian pathways to the main entrance although there are steps to different levels. All visitors are expected to report to the school office and can phone ahead to make special arrangements for access on 622148 if necessary.

Pupils who attend our school access the school from a variety of entrances: Reception through their own classroom door at the front of school, Key Stage 1 through their classroom door and Key Stage 2 through the library entrance on the back playground.

As the school is on different levels, access for wheelchairs to different parts of the school needs to be arranged prior to a visit by phoning 622148.

There are no designated Blue Badge parking spaces near to the school or in the car park but there is usually plenty of space to park and a space can be arranged for visitors in the staff car park for ease of access.

There is one general disabled toilet located off the school library. If visitors require use of this and are on the upper level of school special arrangements will need to be made with staff to guide them to this toilet.

Accessibility Plan

Schools are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for children with disabilities under the Isle of Man Equality Act 2017, to alleviate any substantial disadvantage that a disabled child faces in comparison to non-disabled children. This can include, for example, the provision of support staff, specialist equipment and resources or adjustments to premises. A copy of the schools' Accessibility Plan can be found below:
