Welcome to the School Information page - on the left hand side of this page you can find links to a whole range of information about the school. Should you be unable to find what you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact the school directly to find out more.

More in the section School Information:

ABA Data Protection Privacy Notice

Data Protection Privacy Notice (Information about the processing of pupil data) The All Together programme involves the collection and analysis of data about participating pupils, including a 15 min online bullying and wellbeing survey. The Anti-Bullying Alliance, part of the National Children’s Bu…

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Admissions Policy

Anagh Coar Primary School Admissions Policy UNCRC: Article 28: Every child has a right to an education. Registering for Reception Year In the January prior to the academic year in which a child will have their fifth birthday the Department of Education, Sport and Culture will remind parents through…

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Anti-Bullying Policy

Anagh Coar Primary School Anti-Bullying Policy UNCRC: Article 12: Children have the right to give their opinion and for adults to listen to it and take it seriously. Article 19: Children have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind. Article 29: Education should hel…

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Assessment for Learning Policy

Anagh Coar Primary School Assessment for Learning/Marking Policy UNCRC: Article 29: develop every child’s talents & abilities to the full. Assessment for Learning, also known as formative assessment, is about using assessment in the classroom to raise pupils achievement, self esteem and confidence.…

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Attendance and Punctuality

If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please contact the school on the first day of absence to notify us of the reason. If you telephone before school there is a voicemail system that can record your message. To make it easier for parents to report absence the school has a…

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Our classes are currently organised in the following way: Sumark Class: Reception Staff: Mrs Robinson & Mr Townend Farvane Class: Year 1/2 Staff: Mrs Bradley/Ms Moriarty, Mrs Hampson/Mrs Harmer and Mrs Dunlop Hibbin Class: Year 3 Staff: Mrs Whyley, Mrs B, Mrs Wright and Mrs Ringham Darragh Class: Y…

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Complaints Procedure

If you have a concern or complaint We would like you to tell us about it. We welcome any suggestions for improving our service. Be assured that no matter what you want to tell us, our support and respect for you and your child in the school will not be affected in any way. Please tell us of your co…

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EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE (EYFS) CURRICULUM The Foundation Stage curriculum allows children to learn by being active, encouraging them to explore, to talk about their learning and to practice skills. It consists of seven areas of learning: Three prime areas: * Personal, social and emotional deve…

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e-Safety Policy

Anagh Coar Primary School e-Safety Policy UNCRC: Article 17: help protect children from materials that could harm them. What is e-Safety? E-safety is safeguarding children in a digital world - ensuring that they feel safe, that they understand the risks as well as the benefits of being online both…

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Holiday Dates

Click on the links below to view updated Holiday Dates...

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Illness/Medicines/Medical Policies

Illness If your child becomes ill during the school day we will contact you or one of your designated emergency contacts. Please ensure that you inform us of any changes to telephone numbers immediately so that we are always able to contact you. Nits and Headline Unfortunately nits and lice are jus…

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Reporting to Parents

Parents will have the opportunity to attend two parents evenings each academic year (one informal in the Autumn Term and one more formal in the Spring Term). Assessment information, based on our ongoing assessments of pupils, will be shared with parents at these parents evenings. Formal reports wil…

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Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy UNCRC: Article 19: ensure children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them. Contents: Aims, Purpose and Principles School Designated Safeguarding Lead Recruitment Volunteer…

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School Meals Information

Click on the links below for information about School Meals. You can find the school meals menus and links to how to apply for Free School Meals here:

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Teaching and Learning Policy

Anagh Coar Primary School Teaching for Learning Policy UNCRC: Article 13: Children have the right to find out things and share what they think with others. Article 17: Children have the right to get information that is important to their well-being. Article 28: Children have the right to a good qua…

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Timings (Drop off/Pick Up)

End of School Procedures At the end of the school day please wait at the appropriate exits until your child is dismissed from school. Our school playground gates are locked between 9am and 3pm each day. Sumark Class - exit school through the main playground door at 3.20pm. Farvane and Cullyn Class…

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Uniform / Equipment

Uniform Our uniform consists of a black sweatshirt, with a red polo shirt worn underneath, black or grey trousers or shorts or for girls a skirt or pinafore. In summer girls may wear a red gingham dress with a red cardigan. Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts with the school logo on can be purch…

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