Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy June 2022

UNCRC: Article 19: ensure children are protected from all forms of violence,
abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them.


Aims, Purpose and Principles

School Designated Safeguarding Lead



Induction And Training

Dealing With Concerns

Definitions and Indicators of Abuse

Safeguarding In School

Photographing Children


Conduct Of Staff

Allegations Against Members Of Staff

Physical Contact and Restraint

Before and After School Activities

Contracted Services

Provision to Help Pupils Stay Safe

Implementation, Monitoring and Review

Parents and Carers

Appendix 1: Whistle Blowing
Appendix 2: Continuum of Need
Appendix 3: Competency Framework

To ensure that children are effectively safeguarded from the potential risk of harm at Anagh Coar Primary
School and that the safety and wellbeing of the children is of the highest priority in all aspects of the school’s
To help the school maintain its ethos whereby staff, pupils, volunteers, parents and governors feel able to articulate any concerns comfortably, safe in the knowledge that effective action will be taken as appropriate.

To ensure that all members of the school community…
…are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection.
…know the procedures that should be followed if they have a cause for concern.
…know where to go to find additional information regarding safeguarding.
…are aware of the key indicators relating to child abuse.
…fully support the school’s commitment to safeguarding and child protection.

The school Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy should also be read in conjunction with the
school’s Health and Safety Policy and Behaviour Policy and with the child protection policies,
procedures and guidelines produced by the Department of Education, Sport & Culture (DESC) and the Isle of Man Safeguarding Board (IOMSB) which can be accessed at:


1.1 We have a statutory duty to promote and safeguard the welfare of children, and have due
regard to guidance issued by the DESC at all times.

1.2 This school recognises its legal and moral duty to promote the well-being of children, and protect
them from harm, and respond to child abuse concerns when they arise.

1.3 We believe that every child and young person has, at all times and in all situations, a right to feel safe and protected from any situation or practice that results in a child being physically or psychologically damaged.

1.4 We agree that we have a primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of the pupils in our
charge, and we will carry out this duty through our teaching and learning, extracurricular activities,
pastoral care and extended school activities. In order to achieve this, all members of staff (including
volunteers and governors) in this school, in whatever capacity, will at all times act proactively in
child welfare matters especially where there is a possibility that a child may be at risk of significant

1.5 The school seeks to adopt an open and accepting attitude towards children as part of their
responsibility for pastoral care. The school hopes that parents and children will feel free to talk about
any concerns and will see school as a safe place if there are any difficulties at home.

1.6 Children’s worries and fears will be taken seriously if they seek help from a member of staff.
However, staff must not promise secrecy if concerns are such that referral must be made to the
appropriate agencies in order to safeguard the child’s welfare.

1.7 In our school, if there are suspicions that a child’s physical, sexual or emotional well-being is being,
or is likely to be, harmed, or that they are being neglected, appropriate action will be taken in
accordance with the Child Protection procedures issued by IOMSCB.

1.8 As a consequence, we:

• assert that teachers and other members of staff (including volunteers) in the school are an integral
part of the child safeguarding process;

• accept totally that safeguarding children is required and is an appropriate function for all members
of staff in the school, and wholly compatible with their primary pedagogic responsibilities.

• recognise that safeguarding children in this school is a responsibility for all staff, including
volunteers, and the Governing body.

• will ensure through training and supervision that all staff and volunteers in the school are alert to
the possibility that a child is at risk of suffering harm, and know how to report concerns or

• will designate a senior member of staff with knowledge and skills in recognising and acting on child
protection concerns. He or she will act as a source of expertise and advice, and is responsible for
coordinating action within the school and liaising with other agencies; Mr R Coole (Headteacher) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Anagh Coar Primary School.

• ensure (through the Designated Safeguarding Lead) that all staff with designated responsibility for
child protection will receive appropriate training to the minimum standard set out by the DESC.

will share our concerns with others who need to know, and assist in any referral process.

• will ensure that all members of staff and volunteers who have a suspicion or concern that a child
may be suffering, or may be at risk of suffering significant harm, refer such concerns to the
Designated Safeguarding Lead, who will refer on to other agencies in accordance with the
procedures issued by the DESC.

• safeguard the welfare of children whilst in the school, through positive measures to address bullying,
especially where this is aggravated by sexual or racial factors, disability or special educational needs,
cyber bullying or Internet technologies.

• will ensure that all staff are aware of the Child Protection Procedures established by the IOMSCB
and, where appropriate, the DESC, and act on any guidance or advice given by them.

• will ensure through the recruitment and selection of volunteers and paid employees that all people
who work in our school are suitable to work with children.

• will act swiftly and make appropriate referrals to the DESC where an allegation is made that a
member of staff has committed an offence against a child, harmed a child, or acted in a way that
calls into question their suitability for working with children.


2.1 The Designated Safeguarding Lead for safeguarding and child protection in this school is: Mr Rob

2.2 In his absence, these matters will be dealt with by the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs
Marie Bradley.

2.3 The designated person is key to ensuring that proper procedures and policies are in place and are
followed with regard to child safeguarding issues. They will also act as a dedicated resource
available for other staff, volunteers and governors when they may have child protection concerns to

2.4 The school recognises that:

• the Designated Safeguarding Lead need not be a teacher but must have the status and authority
within the school management structure to carry out the duties of the post – they must therefore be
a senior member of staff in the school.

• all members of staff (including volunteers) must be made aware of who this person is and what their
role is.

• The Designated Safeguarding Lead will act as a source of advice and coordinate action within the
school over child protection cases.

• The Designated Safeguarding Lead will need to liaise with other agencies and build good working
relationships with colleagues from these agencies.

They should possess skills in recognising and dealing with child welfare concerns.

Appropriate training and support should be given.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the first person to whom members of staff report concerns.

• The Designated Safeguarding Lead is responsible for referring cases of suspected abuse or
allegations to the relevant investigating agencies according to the procedures established by the

• The Designated Safeguarding Lead is not responsible for dealing with allegations made against
members of staff, unless the Designated Safeguarding Lead is also the Headteacher.

• The Designated Safeguarding Lead will also ensure that the school is represented at Child Protection
Conferences and that the required reports are written and available within the appropriate

2.5 To be effective they will:

• Act as a source of advice, support and expertise within the school and be responsible for
coordinating action regarding a request for service by liaising with the Children and Families Division
of Manx Care and other relevant agencies over suspicions that a child may be
suffering harm.

Cascade safeguarding advice and guidance.

• Where they have concerns that a request for service has not been dealt with in accordance with the
child protection procedures, they can discuss this with Grainne Burns (DESC Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer) and consider what needs to happen next.

• Ensure each member of staff and volunteers at the school, and regular visitors (such as Education
Welfare Officers, trainee teachers and supply teachers) are aware of and can access readily the Child
Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

• Liaise with the headteacher to inform him of any safeguarding issues and ongoing investigations and
ensure there is always cover for the role.

Ensure that this policy is updated and reviewed regularly.

• Be able to keep detailed accurate secure written records of referrals/concerns, and ensure that these
are held in a secure place.

• Ensure parents are aware of the Child Protection Policy in order to alert them to the fact that the
school may need to make referrals of concerns to the Children and Families Division of Manx Care. Raising parents’ awareness may avoid later conflict if the school does have to take appropriate action to safeguard a child.

• Where children leave the school roll, ensure any child protection file is transferred to the new school
as soon as possible. Both schools should sign a form to confirm the handover of the records, both
schools should retain a copy of the transfer form.

Where a child leaves the Isle of Man and the new school is not known, ensure that the local authority is alerted so that the child’s name can be included on the database for children missing from education.

2.6 The Designated Safeguarding Lead also has an important role in ensuring all staff and volunteers
receive appropriate training. They should:

• Attend training in how to identify abuse and know when it is appropriate to refer a case, (training
should be every two years).

• Have a working knowledge of how IOMSB operates and the conduct of a child protection case
conference if asked to attend and contribute to these if required.

• Attend any relevant training courses or workshops and then ensure that any new or key messages
are passed to others as appropriate.

• Make themselves (and any deputies) known to all staff, volunteers and governors (including new
starters and supply teachers) and ensure those members of staff have had training in child
protection. This should be relevant to their needs to enable them to identify and report any concerns
to the Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately.


3.1 In order to ensure that children are protected whilst at Anagh Coar Primary School, we will ensure that our staff and volunteers are carefully selected, screened, trained and supervised.

3.2 We accept that it is our responsibility to follow the guidance set out in DESC guidance.


4.1 We understand that some people otherwise unsuitable for working with children may use
volunteering to gain access to children; for this reason, any volunteers in the school, in whatever
capacity, will be recruited in line with DESC Policy.

4.2 All volunteers will be given the school’s ‘Volunteering in School’ booklet and guidance, a copy of the Safeguarding Policy and the DESC’s Level 1 Safeguarding Guidance (‘Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults: What You Need To Know’)


5.1 All new members of staff will receive induction training, which will give them an overview of the
organisation and ensure they know its purpose, values, services and structure, as well as how to
identify and report abuse, child protection concerns within the appropriate levels of confidentiality.

5.2 All new staff at the school will receive child protection training and be given access to the
Safeguarding and Child Protection policy on starting their work at the school.

5.3 All staff will be expected to attend training on safeguarding children and this will enable them to
fulfill their responsibilities in respect of child protection effectively. The school will provide access to
this training and new staff will also as part of their induction, be asked to read the DESC’s Guidance on ‘Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults: What You Need To Know’.

5.4 All staff will attend Level 2 refresher training every two years, and the Designated Safeguarding Lead some Level 3 training annually.

5.5 Staff visiting the school for short periods of time e.g. 1 day supply cover, will receive information in
relation to safeguarding children and the procedures they must follow.

5.7 For staff who are unable to access face to face Safeguarding awareness training the school expects
them to read the ‘Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults: What You Need To Know’ leaflet until Level 1/2 training (as appropriate) can be attended. All NQTs and students are expected to have completed the Safeguarding awareness training prior to commencing their employment.


6.1 It is not the responsibility of any member of staff or volunteer to investigate any suspicions or
concerns that a child/young person is at risk of or is suffering significant harm.

6.2 Their concerns should be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately and should
also be recorded using the school's ‘Logging A Concern Form’.

6.3 A concern is an action, observation or discussion that makes you feel anxious about the
safety or wellbeing of a child.

6.4 All causes for concern must be recorded on a ‘Logging A Concern Form’ and must be passed to the
Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately.

6.5 The Designated Safeguarding Lead will decide on the appropriate actions, completing the section
'For designated teacher use' on the ‘Logging A Concern Form’.

6.6 The Designated Safeguarding Lead will consider if the issue needs to be passed to another agency.

6.7 A Child Protection file may also be raised in line with the policy and direction issued by the DESC.

6.8 All discussions, telephone calls and meetings in relation to the child/young person must be recorded.

6.9 All discussions, telephone calls and meetings in relation to the child/young person must be recorded
on the monitoring record sheet.


There are four main categories of abuse – physical injury, neglect, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. The
list of symptoms given is not exhaustive or comprehensive but consists of frequently observed symptoms. It
is important to remember that most abuse involves more than one main type, for example, sexual and
emotional abuse may be recognised together. These symptoms, for example cuts and grazes, may also be
accidental and not a sign of abuse.


Actual or risk of physical injury to a child or failure to prevent physical injury (or suffering) to a child,
including deliberate poisoning, suffocation and factitious illness by proxy. This includes excessive


Behaviour changes/wet bed/withdrawal/regression Finger marks

Frequent unexplained injuries Broken bones

Afraid of physical contact Cuts and grazes

Violent behaviour during role play Cigarette burns

Unwillingness to change clothes Cowering

Aggressive language and use of threats Bruising in unusual areas

Changing explanation of injuries Not wanting to go with parent/carer


Actual or risk of persistent or severe neglect of a child or the failure to protect a child from exposure to any
kind of danger, including cold or starvation. Extreme failure to carry out important aspects of care, resulting
in the significant impairment of the child’s health or development, including failure to thrive.


Lack of appropriate clothing Dirty Cold – complaining of

Body sores Hunger – complaining of Urine smells

Unkempt hair No parental interest Not wanting to communicate

Behaviour problems Attention seeking Lack of respect

Often in trouble – police Bullying Use of bad language

Always out at all hours Lack of confidence – low self-esteem

Stealing Jealousy Significantly underweight


Actual or risk of sexual exploitation of a child or adolescent. The child may be dependent and/or
developmentally immature. The involvement of dependent, immature children and adolescents in activities
to which they are unable to give informed consent or that violate the social taboos of family roles.


Inappropriate behaviour – language Withdrawn

Change of behaviour Role play

Rejecting physical contact or demanding attention Rocking

Physical evidence – marks, bruising Knowledge

Pain going to toilet, strong urine Stained underwear

Bruising/marks near genital area Drawing – inappropriate knowledge

Relationships with other adults or children for example, being forward


Actual or risk of severe adverse effect on the emotional and behavioural development of a child caused by
persistent or severe emotional ill-treatment or rejection. It is important to remember that all abuse involves
some emotional ill-treatment.


Crying Rocking

Withdrawn Not wanting to socialise

Cringing Bad behaviour

Aggression Behaviour changes

Bribery by parent Self infliction

Lack of confidence Attention seeking

Isolation from peers – unable to communicate Clingy

Afraid of authoritative figures Treating others as you have been treated

Picking up points through conversation with children


8.1 As well as ensuring that child protection concerns are addressed, we will also ensure that children
who attend the school are kept safe from harm whilst they are in our charge.

8.2 To this end, this policy must be seen in conjunction with the school and government policies on:

Personal, Social and Health Education and Sex and Relationships Education; child protection issues will be addressed through the curriculum as appropriate.
Anti-bullying Policy; the school will also ensure that bullying and racial harassment is identified and dealt with so that any harm caused by other students can be minimised. We will pay particular attention to sexualized behaviour, or bullying that is homophobic in nature, cyberbullying or where there appear to be links to domestic abuse in the family home. Incidents of bullying will be investigated and recorded.
Safe recruitment
Code of conduct for staff
Behaviour and discipline
Health & Safety
Physical Intervention - managing challenging behaviour
Allegations against members of staff
Whistle Blowing
Visitors policy
Induction policy
Information sharing policy


9.1 We understand that parents like to take photos of or video record their children in the school play, or
at sports day, or school presentations. This is a normal part of family life, and we will not discourage
parents from celebrating their child’s successes.

9.2 However, if there are Health and Safety issues associated with this - i.e. the use of a flash when taking photos could distract or dazzle the child, and cause them to have an accident, we will
encourage parents to use film or settings on their camera that do not require flash.

9.3 We will not allow others (visitors to school e.g. theatre groups or workshop providers) to photograph
or film students during a school activity without the parent’s permission.

9.4 We will not allow images of students to be used on school websites, social media, publicity, or press releases, without express permission from the parent, and if we do obtain such permission, we will not identify individual children by name.

9.5 The school cannot however be held accountable for photographs or video footage taken by parents
or members of the public at school functions.

9.6 At the start of each academic year parental consent to the taking and use of photographs and videos will be updated for each student.

9.7 The allowing of photographs and videos will be at the discretion of the Headteacher.

10 CONFIDENTIALITY and INFORMATION SHARING (refer to the School Confidentiality and
Information Sharing Policy)

10.1 The school, and all members of staff at the school, will ensure that all data about students is
handled in accordance with the requirements of the law, and any national and local guidance.

10.2 Any member of staff who has access to sensitive information about a child or the child’s family must
take all reasonable steps to ensure that such information is only disclosed to those people who need
to know.

10.3 Regardless of the duty of confidentiality, if any member of staff has reason to believe that a child
may be suffering harm, or be at risk of harm, their duty is to forward this information without delay
to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.


11.1 The school has a duty to ensure that high standards of professional behaviour exist between staff
and children, and that all members of staff are clear about what constitutes appropriate behaviour
and professional boundaries.

11.2 At all times, members of staff are required to work in a professional way with children. All staff
should be aware of the dangers inherent in:
working alone with a child
physical interventions
cultural and gender stereotyping
dealing with sensitive information
giving to and receiving gifts from children and parents
contacting children through private telephones (including texting), e-mail, MSN, or social
networking websites.
disclosing personal details inappropriately
meeting students and families outside school hours or school duties

11.3 If any member of staff has reasonable suspicion that a child is suffering harm, and fails to act in
accordance with this policy and the IOMSCB procedures, we will view this as misconduct, and take
appropriate action.

11.4 An agreed Whistle Blowing policy in relation to safeguarding (Appendix 1) supports the school ethos where students and staff can talk freely about concerns knowing they will be listened to and
appropriate action taken.

11.5 There are a range of mechanisms in place to ensure that students feel comfortable to express their
concerns to adults for example:
Through encouragement to discuss issues with class teachers/support staff
Via the school council meetings
An open approach to discussing issues with staff


12.1 If anyone makes an allegation that any member of staff (including any volunteer or Governor) may
Possibly committed an offence against or related to a child
Behaved in a way that has harmed or may have harmed a child
Behaved towards a child in a way which indicates s/he would pose a risk of harm if they worked regularly or directly with children.

12.2 The allegation will be dealt with in accordance with guidance issued by the DESC.

12.3 The Headteacher, rather than the designated member of staff will handle such allegations, unless
the allegation is against the Headteacher, when the Director of Education, Advice & Support will handle the school’s response.


13.1 Members of staff may have to make physical interventions with children. Members of staff will only
do this in line with school policy on managing challenging behaviour. Handling should be seen as a
last resort after all deescalation techniques have failed and the health and safety of pupils is put at

13.2 Appropriate staff should have undertaken Team Teach training and interventions should be in accordance with the Team Teach principles.


14.1 Where the school transfers control of the use of the school premises to bodies (such as sports clubs)
to provide out of school hours activities, we will ensure that these bodies have appropriate
safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures in place, and that there are arrangements
in place to link with the school on such matters. Such considerations will be made explicit in any
contract or service level agreement with the bodies. DESC lettings will oversee such arrangements.


15.1 Where the DESC contracts its services to outside providers, they will ensure that these providers have appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures, and that there are
arrangements in place to link with the school on such matters. Such considerations will be made
explicit in any contract or service level agreement with the provider.


16.1 Safeguarding permeates through all aspects of the wider school curriculum. The following examples are not exhaustive but give a flavour for how safeguarding is promoted at Anagh Coar Primary School.

PSHE - Through a personalised PSHE programme (PATHS) that specifically meets the needs of our
children, they learn to engage with others in a safe and mutually respectful way. Our anti-bullying
policy is reinforced regularly. Pupils who have particular needs or difficulties in these areas are
supported by a range of social and emotional support strategies and programmes, as well as
receiving additional individual support from parents and staff. Our highly effective work with other
agencies ensures that children are well-placed to keep themselves and other children safe in their
everyday lives.


17.1 All adults in school will receive a copy of the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and will be
asked to sign to say that they have read and agree to follow its procedures. It will be discussed at
least annually at staff meetings. Safeguarding and Child Protection will be regularly discussed at
meetings/briefings where there are updates to policy and procedures.

17.2 The effectiveness of the policy will be reviewed and evaluated by the school’s Senior Leadership
Team and the Governing Body annually in light of any specific incidents or changes to local/national

17.3 The Headteacher will report on safeguarding matters through the report at each full governing body


18.1 Parents and carers will be informed that they can have a paper copy of the Safeguarding and Child
Protection Policy on request.

18.2 Schools should be proactive in their consultations and involvement with parents and carers where
there are child protection concerns unless this would be prejudicial to the safety and wellbeing of
the child/young person.

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