Anagh Coar Primary School Epipen Policy

UNCRC: Article 23: A child with a disability (medical need) has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence, and to play an active part in the community.
Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health.
Article 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
In accordance with the School Health Department, the school maintains a register of all pupils diagnosed as needing emergency adrenalin (Epipens). Information about individual children is kept on the wall of the Staff Room. Photographic identification of the child is kept with the care plan which is near the Epipen.

Medication and Storage
Parents of children requiring Epipens should provide the school with a completed medical form, giving details of specific allergies.
The record is kept with the Epipens and details are placed in the child’s school files (both paper and on Arbor).
Parents should ensure that children have TWO Epipens in school at all times.
All Epipens are accessible at all times within school. These are kept in the medical cabinet within the child’s classroom in a labelled pouch/box. All staff members know where they can gain immediate access to them.
Epipens are taken on all visits and outings.
The child’s class teacher/support staff member will be responsible for the individual child’s Epipens.
A written record of emergency treatment is kept in the school medical file and parents are informed immediately.
All staff are given training on a two-yearly basis by the school nurse when there are children requiring Epipens in school.

Parents’/Guardians’ Responsibilities
Parents must inform the school of any change to the conditions which affect their child.
Parents are responsible for providing two Epipens for each child who requires them.
Parents must keep the Epipens up to date and change them when they are used or past the expiry date.

School Concerns
School will inform the parents/guardians:
Immediately when an attack occurs.
When the Epipen has been used.
When any mild attack, not requiring adrenalin has occured.

An Ambulance will be called as soon as a serious attack occurs. School will inform Nobles Hospital/Paramedics immediately.

Additional Points
A risk assessment is undertaken before any animal is allowed into school.
A risk assessment is undertaken when using food within lessons or when a child may be affected by other people’s food choices.
Medical forms are completed if a child accesses school lunches and may be affected by food products.
Staff are aware of the conditions which may bring on anaphylactic shock in specific children.
Copies of the school’s Epipen guidelines are given to all staff.
A copy of instructions for the use of the Epipen is provided with each Epipen.

Reviewed/Agreed: October 2016 Next Review: September 2017

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Illness/Medicines/Medical Policies

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