P4C is an approach to learning and teaching where children are taught how to create their own philosophical questions. They then choose one question that is the focus of a philosophical enquiry, or dialogue. For example the question might be 'is it ever ok to steal?' Teachers, as facilitators, support the children in their thinking, reasoning and questioning, as well as the way the children speak and listen to each other in the dialogue. After the enquiry the children and facilitator reflect on the quality of the thinking, reasoning and participation, and suggest how they could improve; either as individuals or as a group.

P4C is intended to be a regular activity so that the children develop their skills and understanding over time. The role of the facilitator is crucial to ensuring quality dialogue and progress, as well as integration with the curriculum.

It is well documented that P4C has an impact on children's cognitive, social and emotional development. P4C is about getting children to think and communicate well; to think better for themselves.

P4C has been part of the learning process at Anagh Coar Primary School for the last 8 or 9 years so parents have probably heard quite a lot about it already. As a school we are looking at refreshing how we do P4C across the whole school. Here is a photo of one of our new displays in school all about P4C. Mrs Mellon and Miss Saltwell have organised an interactive display where children can write questions to be looked into as part of their P4C lessons.