Anagh Coar Primary School marked Children’s Mental Health Week (3rd-9th February 2020) this week by asking pupils to share their experiences of when they have felt brave with their classmates.
The theme decided by mental health charity Place2Be for this year’s week is: ‘Find Your Brave’. The week at Anagh Coar started with a special assembly looking at the different ways in which we can feel brave when taking the steps towards achieving something new. Topics discussed were: what goes through your head as you face new situations; how do you overcome these feelings; how do you feel when you do something brave and the importance of being confident and proud of yourself and who you are.
Throughout the week ‘Share A Story’ sessions have been organised in all classes with children having the opportunity to further develop their speaking and listening skills when sharing their brave moments with the class.
Mr Coole, Headteacher, said: ‘It has been lovely to see how the children related the theme this year to what we already do every day in school. It relates really well to our values of being happy and confident, how we help pupils to develop growth mindsets to new challenges and how we discuss the importance of developing resilience. The children have shared some lovely stories about how they have ‘Found Their Brave’ and it is great that their teachers and friends have learnt something new about each other to help them understand how everyone faces these challenges in different ways.’