
Our uniform consists of a black sweatshirt, with a red polo shirt worn underneath, black or grey trousers or shorts or for girls a skirt or pinafore. In summer girls may wear a red gingham dress with a red cardigan.

Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts with the school logo on can be purchased from Promenade T-shirts or ID Clothing (Broadway). Shops like Next, Marks and Spencer and Peacocks sell red polo shirts and other suitable uniform items at reasonable prices.

Black flat shoes are ideal school wear for both boys and girls. Heeled shoes and loose fitting boots/shoes are not appropriate for school. Trainers may also be worn - plain black trainers with plain black laces please. Plain white trainers can be worn with girls summer dresses. (We decided to allow trainers to be worn in order to make it easier for pupils to be more active at playtimes).

P.E. Kit

P.E. kits consist of black shorts, a plain white t-shirt and black pumps in a named drawstring pump bag. P.E. kits can remain in school every day and will be sent home for washing at the end of each half term (unless you want to take them home more frequently over a weekend).

Swimming Kit

Swimming costume (one-piece) for girls and tight fitting swimming shorts/trunks for boys with a towel and swimming hat for anyone with long hair. Earrings must be removed on swimming days or ear covers provided. Goggles can be worn for swimming lessons - although may need to be removed on occasion for passing certain certificates.

Book Bags

These can be purchased from school for £4.00 and are the only bag the children will need throughout their time at the school for bringing reading books between home and school and for bringing newsletters and important information home.

Outdoor Wear (Coats/Hats etc.)

Children should have a coat in school every day throughout the year. In winter these must be warm, waterproof and with a hood as we may still take the children out for fresh air if it is raining. In the summer these can be lightweight coats but should still have a hood and be waterproof as we all know the Manx weather can be unpredictable. Please make sure coats are appropriate to the weather conditions/forecast for each day.

In winter please make sure children have named hats and gloves as needed and in the summer please make sure they have sun hats/caps if it is a sunny day.


We do not encourage the wearing of jewellery of any kind to school. We consider wristwatches the only acceptable form of jewellery. Necklaces and bracelets are both items that can be caught at playtimes and, often provide the children with an instant distraction during learning time. Please help us by ensuring that all jewellery of this nature is removed before your child comes to school. It also means that valuable learning time will not be wasted when items such as this get lost or mislaid.

If your child has pierced ears, small earrings of the stud variety may be worn. Earrings MUST be removed before a P.E. lesson because of Health and Safety regulations. If your child is unable to remove his/her earrings then they may be taped over with micropore, which can be purchased at the chemists.

While at Anagh Coar Primary School the children will go swimming from Year 3 onwards. Earrings MUST be removed before participating in swimming sessions. Of earrings cannot be removed, your child must be provided with ear covers to wear. This is a regulation of the NSC as is the type of swimwear the children must wear for lessons.

If your child is going to have his/her ears pierced, we advise doing so at the beginning of the summer holidays to minimise the disruption to your child's education when earrings cannot be removed.

Lost Property

To help us in school please can you ensure that all items of your child's clothing are clearly named. It is surprisingly easy for children to lose or mislay sweatshirts, cardigans etc. Should we find any property within school it will be placed in the lost property boxes in the school hall. Pumps and P.E. kits should also be clearly labelled with your child's name.

For obvious reasons we do not encourage the children to bring other items into school. Things do occasionally get lost and children do, in these circumstances, get upset.

As a school, we supply all pens, pencils etc. that the children need in school so they do not need to bring pencil cases into school.

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